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From composting and organic gardening tips to wholesome recipes and help around the house. Explore, learn and be inspired by our community of sustainability, health and wellness warriors.

  1. Goodbye buy buy - Responsible Decluttering Pt 1

    Goodbye buy buy - Responsible Decluttering Pt 1

    It appears we have once again reached peak Kondo. Marie Kondo's Netflix series has created a second wave of people around the globe discarding possessions that don't 'spark joy'.
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  2. Take a (Day) Hike - 4 Great Walking Tracks in NZ

    Take a (Day) Hike - 4 Great Walking Tracks in NZ

    Our beautiful country is justifiably world famous (and not just in New Zealand) for its Great Walks. But not all of us have the time, inclination or fitness level needed to tackle those majestic multi-day hikes.
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  3. Help the pollinators, help the world

    Help the pollinators, help the world

    If you read my blog last year on indoor plants for a serial killer you'll know that my foray into plant cultivation has been less than smooth sailing. However, I feel that as my plants approach their first birthday, I have graduated to attempting something more focused.
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  4. New Starts - 5 Healthy Habits To Try

    New Starts - 5 Healthy Habits To Try

    The New Year often brings with it the need or desire to change our existing lifestyles to something we consider more healthy or beneficial to ourselves, but just where is the best place to start when looking for new ideas?
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  5. Soft options - what to do with your soft plastics

    Soft options - what to do with your soft plastics

    We were a bit gutted to hear about the suspension of the Soft Plastics Recycling Scheme collection as of 31st December 2018. There are plans to start up again in April 2019.
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  6. Back to school basics

    Back to school basics

    As the summer holidays come to a close, it is time for parents to turn their attention to getting the kids (and themselves) ready for heading back to school.
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  7. Creating sticky habits

    Creating sticky habits

    In 1960, plastic surgeon Dr Maxwell Maltz published a book on behaviour change called Psycho-Cybernetics. In it, he suggested that ?it requires a minimum of about 21 days for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to jell.?
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  8. Detoxing for liver and kidney health

    Detoxing for liver and kidney health

    Traditional plant medicine provides effective ways to support the health of your hard working liver and kidneys. A simple morning routine has health benefits to last a lifetime.
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  9. Achieving sustainable goals

    Achieving sustainable goals

    It's that time of the year again, where the motivation to achieve your New Year's resolutions is already dwindling. Like many others, I choose not to set resolutions, focusing rather on intentions or goals that I'd like to achieve for the year.
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  10. Fresh Corn Tamales

    Fresh Corn Tamales

    What's extra special about travelling somewhere new is seeing things with fresh eyes. This happened to me in Peru recently with corn.
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