Wellness Warrior - Nicole Joy

Welcome to the latest instalment of our Wellness Warriors series, where we catch up with some of Australia's most inspiring wellness personalities to learn more about them and their top tips for living well.

This week we chatted to Nicole Joy, of nutrition and lifestyle blog Nicole Joy Inspire, who shared with us how discovering mindfulness and the intuitive eating philosophy led her to a healthier way of living.

Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you do.

I'm a passionate foodie who inspires women to live a healthier and more balanced life in both body and mind. I create recipes, write books, hold workshops, run retreats and speak at schools.

What was the ‘ah-ha' moment that encouraged you to get involved in health and nutrition?

For a long time I just wanted to be ‘skinny' and I was always one to try the latest fad diet or exercise regime. That kind of lifestyle isn't sustainable, and eventually I crashed and burned.

A friend introduced me to the concept of intuitive eating https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Intuitive_eating, and mindfulness, and it was with her help that my relationship with myself and my body started to take a positive turn. When I saw these changes within myself I wanted to share them with everyone.

What have been your favourite highlights since working in the wellness industry?

Publishing my books! Wow, what a moment when I got to hold them in my hands. All that hard work finally made worth it.

What does a typical day look like for you?

After waking up and completing my morning meditation I get stuck into a hearty breakfast (usually oats and fruit or poached eggs and greens), and then I hit the office or kitchen depending on whether I'm filming videos or testing recipes. Working solo can be lonely, so I like to schedule meetings during the day so that I can get out of the house and connect with other people.

How do you maintain balance and keep your wellbeing a priority when life gets busy?

Sometimes things get out of balance and that's okay. We're not machines and cannot stick to exactly the same routine everyday (well I can't anyway!)

As long as I meditate and enjoy cuddles with my husband and my dog things normally sort themselves out.

It's also really important to fuel the body with nourishing food. I'm all for 80/20 [eating clean 80% of the time], but if that becomes 60/40 or 50/50 I find that I just don't have the energy to manage what life throws at me as well as I usually do!

What are your top three tips for staying fit and healthy?

  1. Move every day - even if it's only for 10 minutes.
  2. Eat your greens - smoothies, salads, veges, powders - get them in!
  3. Set aside time for just yourself every day - even if it is just five minutes. Enjoy a cuppa in peace, meditate, have a bath - just make sure it's all about you.

Do you have a life motto or mantra you live by?

Comparison is the thief of joy.