From composting and organic gardening tips to wholesome recipes and help around the house. Explore, learn and be inspired by our community of sustainability, health and wellness warriors.
I absolutely adore the comfort of warm drinks in winter. They can lift you up on a chilly day, be a source of comfort when winding down and can even boast beneficial nutrients for immunity and energy.
This delicious, easy to make, naturally sweetened granola is a fabulous staple for any healthy pantry. For breastfeeding mums, having something quick and nutritious for breakfast is so very important. Oats are a really nourishing, mineral rich grain that are high in fibre and protein.
There’s a lot of worry about getting sick right now. Being proactive, empowered and feeling protected is a bit of an antidote to all that anxiety. So where do we start by thinking about how to power up our immunity?
When baby is unhappy or distressed, we want to leap into action to try and soothe away whatever is bothering them. Many times, a baby cries when they are hungry, tired or their nappy needs a change. Other times, they may simply be looking for some snuggle time with you.
Here at The New Joneses, we have never successfully eliminated ‘all the plastic.’ So don’t stress if you can’t go completely plastic-free either. This Plastic Free July, how about starting by eliminating single use plastics? Then, over time, you can work on avoiding others wherever you can. We’re super aware that Covid-19 is making it a little more challenging, but do your best, and remember, every bit counts.
Wearing Winter woollies creates a cosy, hygge feeling of softness, comfort, and warmth. Caring for them correctly will multiply this feeling by helping you get even more wear out of each piece.
When talking with my clients I often hear them say they wish they had more will power or if only they could commit to a plan then they would be fine. My answer to them is always the same – it’s not your fault and it’s not will power that will get you across the finish line.
Our bodies are incredible – something to be marvelled. Headaches, sniffles, aches, and pains are not our body's way of punishing us for no reason. These symptoms are our body trying to bring us back into a balanced healthy state – flushing out nasty bugs and viruses from our system.
We inhale; we exhale. Most of the time this process happens completely unconsciously, we’re unaware of the magic that is happening as we breathe. In the video below I’ll show you a breath-work technique to help you harness the power of your breath.