Deb and Mark Smith

The black and white photographs of Deb and Mark Smith have become one of the most loved and recognisable features of our brand identity since we moved from Northland to Auckland and started working with them in 1997. The brother and sister team is proud of their partnership with ecostore. Thanks to this duo's style, we’ve created products you can be proud to display in your home.


John Reynolds

Our distinctive personal care labels feature artwork by internationally renowned New Zealand artist John Reynolds, whose work has been displayed in public art collections and several exhibitions globally. John draws inspiration from elements in our natural environment, like stars and rock pools, with his looping and linking lines suggesting innocence, joy and connectedness. His simplicity and restraint reflect our ‘less is more’ approach to product formulation.


Ahilapalapa Rands

Beyond our packaging, Ahilapalapa’s drawings uniquely embody ecostore’s personality. Our former online marketing and social media manager, her Father’s Day gift to our co-founder Malcolm – a book of illustrations - brought ecoman to life. With a jaunty green cape and a heroic partner in wife Melanie, he crusades against nasty chemicals wherever he goes.

Tina pan

Tina is a Los Angeles-based web developer and designer who worked in the R&D department at ecostore once upon a time. She drew on her knowledge of chemistry to create the diagrams that depict the molecular structure of each of our ingredients, down to the last atom. She likes to call her representation '2.5D', thanks to her skill at accurately conveying the 3D nature of these molecules despite working in a 2D perspective.