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Read the latest on our blog

From composting and organic gardening tips to wholesome recipes and help around the house. Explore, learn and be inspired by our community of sustainability, health and wellness warriors.

  1. Martyna Angell's healthy lunchbox ideas

    Martyna Angell's healthy lunchbox ideas

    Martyna Angell, creator of the Wholesome Cook, gives her tips on how to keep lunches delicious and healthy during the week for you and your kids.
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  2. Natural remedies for mental clarity and calmness

    Natural remedies for mental clarity and calmness

    Rather than avoiding unpleasant situations due to anxious feelings, there are certain natural remedies we can take to help our minds feel more calm and clear.
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  3. Taking a break? Choose an eco place to stay

    Taking a break? Choose an eco place to stay

    Planning a sustainable escape is another way you can take better care of the planet.
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  4. Upcycling - a creative take on sustainable living

    Upcycling - a creative take on sustainable living

    In New Zealand, we send 2.5 million tonnes of waste to landfills each year, yet around three quarters of this could have been reused, recycled or composted. Upcycling is a great way to take action to combat waste.
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  5. Zoe Salmen's delicious peanut butter fudge

    Zoe Salmen's delicious peanut butter fudge

    This peanut butter fudge uses only four ingredients and can be prepared in just a few minutes. It is free of gluten, refined sugar, dairy and eggs and packed with good fats and a splash of rice syrup, which adds a subtle sweetness.
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  6. Our favourite TED talks on sustainable living

    Our favourite TED talks on sustainable living

    Next time you're sitting in traffic, on your lunch break or queuing at the supermarket, how about schooling up and getting some inspiring ideas, from a greener future to inspiring stories of eco conscious business practice?
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  7. What is integrative maternity healthcare

    What is integrative maternity healthcare

    It's when the contemporary and the traditional, the mainstream and the alternative complement each other as part of maternity care.
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  8. Gut health - why is your microbiome so important

    Gut health - why is your microbiome so important

    It's well known that gut flora play a beneficial role in our digestive health. An increasing body of research is focused on gut health and our immune system, along with allergies and other conditions.
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  9. Meet the team - R&D manager Huia Iti

    Meet the team - R&D manager Huia Iti

    This week we caught up with our research and development manager, Huia, to talk about how catching and growing his own food has helped him and his family be kinder to the planet.
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  10. Are nut milks and butters for you

    Are nut milks and butters for you

    Weighing up the benefits and detriments of these non-dairy alternatives, plus a few of our favourite recipes!
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